Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Left in the Dust

If you look closely you can see my new running partner. Audrey always begs to go running with me. It's a little demotivating to have her running beside you. "When can we run faster?", "Running this slow hurts my legs.", "Can we kick this rock while we run?" And then her ability to sprint at a moment's notice, to jump over curbs and limbs and run backwards all while non-stop talking. Let's just say, it takes all my effort to just run.

In other news, I just learned that a Chick-fil-A milkshake has 700 calories. I was shocked. I didn't know anything that would fit in a cup could have that many calories. I think the cup should say "drinking this = 7 miles of running" . I'll write the company about it today.


hcj1fan said...

That is so awesome. I tried to run at the Y with Lara and she smoked me on the soccer field....and laughed about it! Be careful of Smoothie King too...some of their smoothies are over 1000 calories! I love them but man!!

Joanna said...

700 cals but OH SO WORTH IT!! I'm a milkshake junkie so I tend to just take a couple zeros off in my mind to make me feel better about it. ;)