Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fire In the Hole!

We had lots of fun at the beach. We went on a pirate cruise which the girls loved. They learned to yell "there she blows!" "Argh mate" and "fire in the hole." They danced the chicken dance, the limbo, the conga line, had a water gun fight with another boat, a fake sword fight, and had their faces painted and arms tattooed. They heard stories of sunken treasure and even helped pull a treasure chest from the sea and got to pick out some loot for their help. The most fun for the adults was seeing the people on land hit the deck (or in one case drop their fishing pole) when the kids yelled fire in the hole and the captain fired a cannon ball (fake but loud).

Kelsey and Audrey were experts at the chicken dance...we know they didn't get their rhythm from me!

Audrey was a great big sister. On the pirate ship she took Kelsey around to all the activities and held her hand (as Audrey would say only when Kelsey wanted to hold hands). At one activity they were shooting foam cannon balls and Audrey had already caught one so when she caught another one she gave it to Kelsey to put in the barrel. Kelsey was so happy when she walked back to Audrey she gave her a big hug...it was so sweet. This was another hug moment.

Getting Audrey out of the water was a challenge. She loves getting crashed by the waves. She loves even more seeing someone else get hit by a wave. She loved swimming with the mask in the bay and seeing the millions of fish underwater (and a crab)!

Kelsey liked the beach but preferred the pool. She also loved the helicopters and airplanes that fly up and down the beach. She will gladly tell anyone who will listen all about it....she is still talking about it.


The Tryon Family said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!! Your girls are so adorable!!

akglaciergirl said...

I got a big laugh about the people on land hitting the deck! Your girls look like they have the chicken dance down! I want to know if their "Pa" got out there and danced with them? Looks like they had lots of fun!

Jaime said...

How fun,I wanna go on a pirate cruise (I have a nephew that would love that:) btw, thanks for grocery tip, it's helped me alot!

Wendy said...

FUN!! Kaydee is looking forward to our beach trip in September.