Monday, July 7, 2008

Family Fun on the Fourth!

We try to have a "Family Fun Day" at least once a month. Basically we have a day where the girls get to pick what we do and we do all kinds of fun stuff. Below are pics from our Fourth of July Family Fun Day.
A trip to the Hello Kitty store...such decisions on what to pick!

Kelsey loves getting thrown into the air in the pool.

Audrey became an expert at balancing on Daddy's hand.

We went and saw Wall-E. This was Kelsey's first trip to the movies. She loved the popcorn but didn't care for the movie (actually none of us actually really liked the movie).

We went and saw the fireworks in Auburn with Ma and Papa and the Dauphin's.

1 comment:

akglaciergirl said...

Looks like ya'll had fun! What a good idea for a Family Fun Day--Kids Choice. Is there any other way to do it?