Monday, December 15, 2008

Party Weekend

We had a full weekend. Friday night we hosted the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation party at our house. We had Mexican food, lots of fun and laughs.

Saturday the girls went to the Santa Wonderland at the Bass Pro Shop with Ma and Papa. They both sat on Santa's lap. An amazing feat for Kelsey but my mom said she really really wanted a candy cane. Audrey asked him for a microphone, a purse, a bracelet, a ring and a dress. Kelsey did not speak to him but beforehand said she was going to ask him for an itty bitty real kitty. I told her that Santa doesn't bring anything that is alive.

Saturday night we had my work Christmas party at the Duluth Marriott. It isn't the most exciting thing..most of the people I work with don't go so it is just hundreds of people I don't know. But they do have these giant shrimp that Randy looks forward to all year long. While we went to the party, the girls had their first real babysitter (they don't count adults as babysitters). Chelsea came over and watched them and they apparently had a great time and were great listeners. The picture below was taken by Chelsea's mom. The girls kept wanting to make funny faces so finally she said everyone make a funny face and you can see they are all sweet and Randy and I made silly faces.

Sunday we had our first church meeting in our new location...the Barrow Rec Center. The girls were very excited to go to a new "church" building. We will be there 8 to 10 months while our building is expanded and renovated. Audrey asked during class (I team teach her class) why their classroom looked like a jail. I asked her how she knew what a jail looked like. Apparently the block walls are jail-like.

Three days of work and I am off until 2009!! yippee!

1 comment:

Carlia said...

LOVE the family photo! you guys are way cute!!!