Monday, November 17, 2008

Rocks for Sale

Audrey has been asking to paint this collection or rocks she has accumulated for weeks and I finally said okay. So I went downstairs to check on her (I work from home in afternoons). She showed me her different rocks...the halloween rock, the rainbow, and the star rock. She said she was going to display them when we sold our bows and people could buy them. So we have a little entreprenuer. I told her that I wanted to buy the star rock and she said "you probably don't have enough money." So grandparents and warned your Christmas present might be a little heavy this year!


hcj1fan said...

We are in need of several rocks of that size for our fire circle...would she be willing to sell them painted in bulk?

Aunt Ginny

Cecily said...

Now that is so darn cute! Don't you love seeing the creative and artistic side of children. :)

Wendy said...

Soo funny!! I'm sure Kaydee would stand in line to buy a rock painted by the famous Miss Audrey! :)
And LOL Ginny!!!