Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hairbow Update

We had a busy hairbow weekend. We had the Auburnfest this Saturday. There wasn't quite the turnout that was expected, but still lots of fun. We received great reviews on our bows and were able to sell enough to pay for all the bows we have made so far. We still have several Halloween bows left so that led us to part 2 of the bow weekend.

We now have an Etsy shop. You can see the link on the right column of the blog. We also have a photo albulm of most of our bows. It is also on the right column just click the header "Hairbows." We are going through and editing the pictures so some have descriptions and prices included on the photo, but not all of them yet and some are still duplicates. Thanks to the hubby for making a chix0r out of me!

Happy Fall Break!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never got a chance to come look at your bows. My mom, Sis. Harris said they were adorable and I think I want a Lady bug one because Cori is going to be a Ladybug for Halloween. I was searching for hairbows last night and thought that I recognized your bows and it said that the seller was from atlanta. They are cute. I do the pillowcase dress thing, I have two left thumbs when it comes to bows, I stink at it highly. Okay well good luck with Etsy, and it helps if you can to list everyday so you pop up frequently when someone puts in a search for bows. Later!!!!